Current Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests

7/25/2024 —Bonnie Mitchell has an infection that needs to be treated with IV antibiotics. She will be going to New Aldaya for 10 days for Skilled Nursing starting on Friday 7/26/24. She is requesting prayers for the antibiotics to be effective so she can return home at the end of the 10 days.

7/24/2024 (Update)—Darrel Lindaman's back surgery went well and he's not having pain. Please continue to pray for Darrell as he recovers and starts physical therapy.

7/24/2024 —Prayers are being requested for Kay Priebe who is facing some health challenges, and her daughter Traci who is getting married on August 4th.

7/19/2024 (Update)—Bonnie Mitchell's colonoscopy was completed without the need for surgery. They found precancerous cells, but everything was benign. Bonnie would like to thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

7/19/2024 (Update)—Dottie Rewerts will be released from the hospital today, following surgery on July 15th. She will see 2 doctors next week in Grundy Center for follow up. Please continue to pray for Dottie's recovery. Dottie and Noel thank you for your prayers.

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